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Data Centers
Data Center Industry
As with all technology, the Data Center Industry is ever changing as is the requirements within the facility. We have come a long way from using tapes as storage to now offering storage container units that are fully integrated micro Data Centers.
With a constant changing demand for higher availability, speed, storage, virtualization, and services, the Data Center industry has drastically shifted. With Colocation and Cloud services at the forefront of this shift, companies now have multiple alternative solutions for their IT needs in order to better allocate their resources and provide an IT network of higher efficiency.
The one thing that has remained constant, is the need to take a holistic methodology when determining which approach will provide the highest return for your company.
Every Company is different and the requirements for your specific offering will likely vary.
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
Power Distribution
KVM / DCIM Solutions
Security - Electronic Locking, Caging
Cabinets / Enclosures
Containment, Hot / Cold Aisles
All of these elements are crucial factors in deciding what course is right for your organization. Whether choosing to keep your Data Center on site, or shift to a Cloud / Colocation scenario, one must look for a holistic approach to determine what current and future requirements they expect to demand.
Obviously, this is not a quick decision and must be discussed with all stakeholders effected by such a strategy. We are more than happy to provide a list of credible partners that specialize in this area and hold an expertise in Engineering, Data Center Architecture, and Data Center Design.
In order to help get the ball rolling in discussions with your stakeholders, feel free to upload and use this template ... our Data Center Requirements Checklist